Vacuum membrane adhesive

Product specifications: gallon-10 kg

Product description:

Vacuum FRP adhesives with code 430.4 are produced with a German base.


Examination of FRP vacuum glue

There are different types of vacuum glue or membrane glue, generally vacuum glues are liquid and based on water solvent. For more than ten years, vacuum adhesive has been used to attach PVC covers or vacuum membrane covers to wooden sheets such as MDF and chipboard, however, in these ten years, the nature and quality of vacuum adhesives have changed in the direction of improvement. which we will briefly mention below.

The nature of vacuum glue
It might be interesting for you to know that vacuum glue or membrane glue has two generations:

First generation two-component vacuum adhesive
In this type of vacuum membrane adhesives, to activate the vacuum adhesive, a pressure of 4 bar atmosphere and a minimum temperature of 90 and a maximum temperature of 140 for 10 to 15 minutes were needed for vacuuming. For this pressure above 4 atmospheres, which must be created from above in the press machine, in order to neutralize this pressure, very strong jacks were needed, as well as a very strong body structure, and these press machines had a very high price, in terms of cost. The use of first generation vacuum adhesives was not economical. To use the first generation vacuum adhesives, a hardener is needed, which is combined with the two-component vacuum adhesive in a certain percentage, and in general, the only advantage of the first generation vacuum adhesive compared to the one-component vacuum adhesive is its higher thermal resistance.

Second generation single component vacuum adhesive
Single-component membrane vacuum adhesive or second generation vacuum adhesive is the adhesive currently used by vacuum cleaners. Second generation vacuum adhesives have many more advantages than their previous generation. It can be mentioned from the activation conditions of this series of adhesives to the level of efficiency, affordability, ease of use and reasonable price. These vacuum adhesives require less temperature and pressure to activate. In general, single-component vacuum adhesives can be considered a turning point in this industry.

Membrane adhesive properties
A good membrane adhesive or vacuum adhesive in standard conditions should have these features:

High thermal resistance

Good coverage

Quick drying

No bad smell

Moisture resistance


Uniform spraying

Strength on the sides of the work

High purity and no pollen

Can be used for all coatings

Buy membrane glue
It is possible to buy membrane adhesive at a reasonable price from all Farin Rangin company agencies, and you can even buy the membrane adhesive you need directly from the head office of this company with exceptional conditions in the form of cash and check. For consultation and purchase of vacuum adhesive, you can Call 02191090844 or buy membrane adhesive online from Farin Rangin company website.

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Why should we buy FRP vacuum coating?

The covers of FRP company are produced inside Iran, hence the availability of this product is stable. Also, considering the price and quality of FRP covers, we can conclude that these covers are among the best PVC covers available in the Iranian market.

Granular FRP adhesives are supplied to customers with three codes: P4000-P5000-P6000, and their difference is in their purity percentage, which causes them to differ from each other in adhesion and viscosity.

How many meters of edging tape does each kilogram of FRP granule adhesives? To measure this, various parameters are effective, such as the type of edging machine and the ambient temperature, and as a standard, between 200 and 250 meters per kilogram can be tape.

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